Monday, August 14, 2006

How Do You Get REady for Football Season?

Question. As I read sports blogs everywhere, I keep hearing that folksa re getting ready for football season. They can't wait. How do you do that? Do you paint up your face and start screaming, "pass interference?" Do you practice tearing down goal posts? I just wonder.

It's still baseball season. It's summer. The weather is hot and the living is easy. summer's for the beach, cookouts, beer, and baseball. My team, the Cincinnati Reds are in a pennant race for the first time since 1999, but no matter. It's always baseball season until they quit in October. Holding your breath until football season means snow, cold weather, and no outdoor activities, unless you like to ski or enjoy scraping your windshield. I won't wish away my life for that.

What is it about football that makes American's go nuts. I have friends who just count the days until the NFL draft or the start of college practice. It drives me nuts. What makes us go so nuts about a game that favors the haves over the have-nots?

You ever see the USA Today's Top 25 poll and follow it over the last ten years. The same teams are at the top every year. Oh, my alma mater, West Virginia, sneaks in there once in awhile, but it's usually the same faces. The NFL is the same. You got your Patriots or your Cowboys or your Colts and once in awhile someone else sneaks in. And it's all violence all the time. "Kill the quarterback," or "tear his leg off," is the battle cry. I like football, but to go to that extreme? I must be a wimp.

Now, baseball, that's the sport. This year, the Reds, Padres, Twins, White Sox, Tigers, and even the Brewers are still in it. Underdog City. How can you not like that as well as sunny skies, warm temperatures, and lazy afternoons? I guess without blood there is no victory.

I don't understand. Forgive me.


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