Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The more things change...

Take my situation. I'm a big fan of certain sports teams (as if the name of this blog didn't give you a clue). With all of them it's the same story. As a new season approaches, you get enthusiastic that things will change for the better, but pretty soon in the season, you realize that your team isn't the Yankees or the Buckeyes and you're going to get disappointed pretty quick. I'm used to it.

Today, I got one of those emails you get when you subscribe to a list. The Singing News sent one out today saying basically, "yes, we've been bought and we have some changes in store--mainly the cover of the magazine and maybe some more content, but it's it's going to be the same old rag with the same editors." Enough for hoping that Southern Gospel fans would get a real magazine which would introduce the music to a new audience. Not gonna happen.

So, once again, I'm disappointed. I should have known. Like my Cincinnati Reds, my West Virginia Mountaineers, the New York Giants, and my favorite team in NASCAR, Southern Gospel with no real game plan (except keep the traditional--quartets, ties, and gaudy suits), shuffles on into that great void known as extinction.

That'll teach me to get excited about change. It never happens when the leadership is short-sighted.


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